Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My appication software

For years, I have taught myself how to work with various types of software. I even had my daughter teach me Power Point when she was in Junior high. However, the application software that I use the most now is Microsoft Word. I have found this to be the most useful for so many reasons.  In the beginning it was just for your everyday things: grocery lists, standard letters, copying recipes from the Internet, etc. It was never used for anything more involved.

 In recent years I have found much more to do with this application. This leads me to the advantages of MS Word.  (1)I now have the ability to create posters. I can tailor them relating to fundraising or celebrating a birthday.  This was handy when my daughter was in the high school marching band. I would create these posters for fundraisers and include detailed information about it. Being able to add pictures and changing the font size or style, makes for an effective tool. (2) I use this as a document processor to produce quality documents, such as a letter or resume. MS Word offers templating ideas to help you create the most effective letters and resumes, especially, when newer versions of it are released.  (3) I also use this for storing personal information.  Typing it up on a document and then saving that information to specified files, helps keep my passwords and user id’s straight. In this day and age you need passwords and user ids’ for almost everything. I save 2 copies of all important information so if one fails I have the other as a backup. I could type forever about the advantages of using MS Word and everything I use it for.

One of the reasons I feel other students in the class should use this word processing program is that it offers a wide variety of document processing applications and is very user friendly. MS Word is one of those programs that will always be timeless.


  1. I completely agree with you on this. I use MS Word all the time. It's very helpful. Especially when you're like me and type really fast without looking down at the keyboard. Half the time you can end up missing a letter or adding new ones, and it underlines them to let you know it's spelled wrong. Or when you can't tell if your sentence makes sense and it underlines to tell you it's not.
    It has many great features as you have noted. I love MS Word and I think you definitely hit the nail on the head with this post.

  2. That is cool that your daughter taught you. I remember when i started using microsoft word it didnt seem like you could get much use out of it. Now that it was expanded there is so many more ways that you can use it. Most of the little things im not even sure what half of them do.

    1. My daughter teaches me something new all the time. She finds things on the Internet that I have never heard of. MS Word can do so much more than we think. I cannot believe some of the things I have recently learned it can do. One thing that I have learned was how to attach an envelope to a letter. I did not know you could do that until now.

  3. I felt like I was reading the script for an MS Word commercial! That was fantastic! I couldn't have said it better myself! I also agree with your statement that MS Word is timeless. As long as the human race continues to speak and communicate, Word will be a daily necessity. Especially in the future. You never know what technologies they will have in the next ten or fifteen years! Again, great job Sandi!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for the feedback! I means a lot.
