Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Computer Storage and Cloud

The main storage devices for computers are: CD’s(on occasion), flash drive, the computers own memory, and the latest is the Internet based “cloud”. The type needed for every person depends upon what you will use it for. I personally use flash drives. I have a few that I keep handy. I back up all my files this way. I, also, use the computer’s own memory, but always have a backup.  There is one that I did not mention, which comes with my new laptop. I bought a Dell and they offer a free one year use of there back up recovery. This runs as you schedule it and will back up your computer.
I found a website for the “cloud”.    http://www.top10cloudstorage.com/cloud-storage/
This site offers a review of pricing and usage of the top ten cloud companies. This site also gives you a chance to review each of them with a site link.  However, be prepared to pay. Free is not an option with this brand of technology. Maybe someday with the ever changing world of technology. Wishful thinking.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Changing face of Windows video

The video offers a look at the past and present versions of Windows operating system. It really is interesting to see how far we have come. In the beginning, 1985, Windows 1.01 was extremely basic. It was not user friendly and offered little or no graphics. Windows 2.0 brought some slight improvements but it still remained the same basic system. When Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were released you can see a major improvement and change. It was no longer just a “command” based system. It became much more user friendly for the masses. Windows 95, 98, and NT brought even more capability. The appearance was much different than the original and made it less “technical” looking. The appearance made it seem more user friendly and it was just that. Over the last 12 years of releases of Windows, you can see the technological improvements that have occurred. Graphics are more realistic, capability to access various programs and the ability to program it to the user’s needs has definitely become an advantage.  It truly is amazing to see where we have been and what we are now. Windows has made some vast improvements, not just technically but in being much more user friendly. Now almost anyone can use Windows. It is easy to learn and easy to make it more compatible for each individual user. Music, games, word processing, financial management, etc. have become so much more advanced than could have been imagined all those years ago. Now almost everyone needs a computer to use in everyday life. Windows has made most, if not all of that, possible.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The End of the Desktop!

In a presentation in Dublin, Ireland in March 2010, Google sales chief Jim Haley stated that desktops would be irrelevant in three years (
SiliconRepublic.com). Smartphones, notebooks, and the amount of information available online will converge to create a different kind of future than what we’ve known, according to Haley. Do you agree? Why or why not? What impact would that have on the types of hardware and software that are the most in demand?

I am not sure if I agree or not. I know that technology is changing but I think that there will be people who still need the current technology and /or refuse to change to newer technology. It could be because of the fear of not knowing or understanding new technology. I think today's desktops will still be needed but will definitely continue to be improved upon. Laptops are now the new desktops. For some of the Baby Boomer generation, they may not be able to understand the new laptops or how to navigate them. Basically, it boils down to a fear of the unknown or the resistence to change. Eventually, they will have to learn the new ways no matter how uncomfortable it may be. I truly think that demand will still be there for the regular desktop. Look at the old music albums such as the 45s or LPs. They may not be for sale any more but they still exist and are very much in demand to collectors. What is to say that a desktop won't go the same route. Guess we will just have to wait and see!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

System Software
First, I would like to start with answering the questions from the book.

Question 1 Which software is included in system software?

System software is the programs that run the computer and works
to instruct the computer between application software and hardware devices. The following includes those applications that make up system software. The operating system, which manages your hardware, CPU, memory and storage devices and the utility programs, which is a set of programs that maintains the efficiency of your computer, such as file maintenance and file compression. These keep your computer running like the well-oiled machine it should be.

Question 2 What are the different kinds of operating systems? And Question 3 What are the most common operating systems?

Without realizing it, I combined these questions into one answer. So here it is. Operating systems can be categorized by the type of device in which they are installed. This can include robots, specialized equipment, mainframes, network computers, mobile devices and personal computers. The first type is called a Real-time operating system (RTOS). This is a system required to complete repetitive tasks in an exact amount of time. They can also be referred to as embedded systems, which do not need much user interaction. The devices that these are found in must perform regimented, repetitive tasks such as, scientific measurement instruments. The second type is a multi user operating system (a.k.a. Network operating system). This is the type of system we use at work. It is one computer system that functions for multiple users at one time. It allows for communication, processing information, printing to various areas within the organization, and use by several persons at the same time, with all information based in a mainframe or server, which everyone has access to. Third, the RTOS in mobile phones is more user oriented. This requires total user interaction. Now, mobile phones have access to Internet, email, text messaging, and downloading and listening to music. These are called productivity features, enabling the user to run more than one application at the same time. Finally are the systems for personal computers. These can differ depending on the user preference and task need. Most systems come with Windows and there are a lot of versions to this. They are updated yearly. Sometimes, they come out with Service packs to upgrade your system and prevent glitches which they found after usage. Now Mac has its own operating system. They created the first commercially available system. Operating systems are not really interchangeable. You should not try to change your operating system since Mac would not understand the Windows system. Mac does have a utility called Boot Camp which allows you to run Windows applications on their computers. There is also a system called Linux. Linux is open and available to anyone and can be tweaked to meet virtually any need. Android is Linux based.

What is Jing software?
The official explanation is:
Jing is the perfect way to enhance your fast-paced online conversations. You can capture an image of what you see on your computer screen, record up to 5 minutes of onscreen video, use Jing to record your feedback as you grade papers, or take a snapshot to share with your class.
This was taken verbatim from http://jing.software.informer.com/
My understanding of Jing is it a way to add visual elements to anything you share on-line with others. It can also help you teach others without having to repeat things what have taught already. It allows you to reach more people by having them access a link. It is a freeware and can be used by anyone. I decided to download it and try it. I will come back and let you know what I think.
Ok, first I signed up and downloaded it. It was easy but I do not like that it keeps trying to get me to do a survey before I have even tried it. I watched the first tutorial on Snagit and found out that it was around $50. Jing is free but any of the other software included from TechSmith needs to be purchased and some can be very expensive.
I am still a bit confused as to why you would need this unless you do a lot of presenting or wanting people to see something. For everyday use, it seems a bit odd. I am going to use this for a while and see what happens.
Now I have looked at the site a bit more and almost all of the software offers a free trial. I am going to do this for Snagit and see what happens. It does have a unique one click screen capture option that seems to be interesting. I will let you know what happens. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My appication software

For years, I have taught myself how to work with various types of software. I even had my daughter teach me Power Point when she was in Junior high. However, the application software that I use the most now is Microsoft Word. I have found this to be the most useful for so many reasons.  In the beginning it was just for your everyday things: grocery lists, standard letters, copying recipes from the Internet, etc. It was never used for anything more involved.

 In recent years I have found much more to do with this application. This leads me to the advantages of MS Word.  (1)I now have the ability to create posters. I can tailor them relating to fundraising or celebrating a birthday.  This was handy when my daughter was in the high school marching band. I would create these posters for fundraisers and include detailed information about it. Being able to add pictures and changing the font size or style, makes for an effective tool. (2) I use this as a document processor to produce quality documents, such as a letter or resume. MS Word offers templating ideas to help you create the most effective letters and resumes, especially, when newer versions of it are released.  (3) I also use this for storing personal information.  Typing it up on a document and then saving that information to specified files, helps keep my passwords and user id’s straight. In this day and age you need passwords and user ids’ for almost everything. I save 2 copies of all important information so if one fails I have the other as a backup. I could type forever about the advantages of using MS Word and everything I use it for.

One of the reasons I feel other students in the class should use this word processing program is that it offers a wide variety of document processing applications and is very user friendly. MS Word is one of those programs that will always be timeless.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reaction to social networking and society

a. One advantage to social networking is the ability to reach out to people you might otherwise not see. People you have lost touch with now can reenter our lives simply by "friending a friend of a friend" and BOOM! you have found each other again. Another advantage is you can reach out to more than one person at a time. You can send a message to hundreds, if you have that many friends.
 One disadvantage is that it has become very impersonal. We do not talk to each other anymore beyond a sentence here or there on these sites.

b. One positive effect is that you are connecting with a wide variety of people. This may impact your career or social life. One negative effect is that we are relying too heavily on it to stay in touch with family and friends. We would sooner send a message on Facebook or Twitter, or post something to their wall, than pick up the phone and have an actual conversation.
c. Businesses are using it to reach out in a marketing sense. Facebook lets a business know what the public's preferences are and will adjust its marketing to those preferences. At my job, we use Facebook to spread the word about Lasik, how good our surgeons are and what is included in pricing. We also get feedback on our customer service.
d.  I think social networking will evolve and even explode more over the coming years. People will rely on it more than just than text messages or even phone calls. Email will not be as useful because you cannot get the instant gratification that Facebook provides. You can also get the response of many more people than with a phone call.
Learning how to blog.  WOW! This is my first attempt at blogging.  Doing something new is great!!!