Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Computer Storage and Cloud

The main storage devices for computers are: CD’s(on occasion), flash drive, the computers own memory, and the latest is the Internet based “cloud”. The type needed for every person depends upon what you will use it for. I personally use flash drives. I have a few that I keep handy. I back up all my files this way. I, also, use the computer’s own memory, but always have a backup.  There is one that I did not mention, which comes with my new laptop. I bought a Dell and they offer a free one year use of there back up recovery. This runs as you schedule it and will back up your computer.
I found a website for the “cloud”.    http://www.top10cloudstorage.com/cloud-storage/
This site offers a review of pricing and usage of the top ten cloud companies. This site also gives you a chance to review each of them with a site link.  However, be prepared to pay. Free is not an option with this brand of technology. Maybe someday with the ever changing world of technology. Wishful thinking.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Changing face of Windows video

The video offers a look at the past and present versions of Windows operating system. It really is interesting to see how far we have come. In the beginning, 1985, Windows 1.01 was extremely basic. It was not user friendly and offered little or no graphics. Windows 2.0 brought some slight improvements but it still remained the same basic system. When Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were released you can see a major improvement and change. It was no longer just a “command” based system. It became much more user friendly for the masses. Windows 95, 98, and NT brought even more capability. The appearance was much different than the original and made it less “technical” looking. The appearance made it seem more user friendly and it was just that. Over the last 12 years of releases of Windows, you can see the technological improvements that have occurred. Graphics are more realistic, capability to access various programs and the ability to program it to the user’s needs has definitely become an advantage.  It truly is amazing to see where we have been and what we are now. Windows has made some vast improvements, not just technically but in being much more user friendly. Now almost anyone can use Windows. It is easy to learn and easy to make it more compatible for each individual user. Music, games, word processing, financial management, etc. have become so much more advanced than could have been imagined all those years ago. Now almost everyone needs a computer to use in everyday life. Windows has made most, if not all of that, possible.